2021考研英语综合备考资料:英语阅读故事-追风筝的人。每天阅读一小段英语小说,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,有助于英语阅读得到,咱们今天就开始从追风筝的人 开始读起吧,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。



WE LEFT LATE THAT AFTERNOON, tired from the heat, but tired in a pleasant way. All the way back, I felt Sohrab watching me. I had the driver pull over at a store that sold calling cards. I gave him the money and a tip for running in and buying me one.我们快傍晚的时候才离开,天气很热,让人疲累,不过疲累得开心。回去的路上,我觉得索拉博一直在观察我。我让司机在某间出售电话卡的商店门口停车。我给他钱还有小费,让他帮我去买电话卡。

That night, we were lying on our beds, watching a talk show on TV. Two clerics with pepper gray long beards and white turbans were taking calls from the faithful all over the world. One caller from Finland, a guy named Ayub, asked if his teenaged son could go to hell for wearing his baggy pants so low the seam of his underwear showed.那天晚上,我们躺在床上,看着电视上的谈话节目。两个教士胡子花白,穿着白袍,接听世界各地信徒打来的电话。有人从芬兰打来,那家伙叫艾优博,问他十来岁的儿子会不会下地狱,因为他穿的裤子宽大耷拉,低得露出内裤的橡皮筋勒带。

“I saw a picture of San Francisco once,” Sohrab said.“我见过一幅旧金山的照片。”索拉博说。


“There was a red bridge and a building with a pointy top.”“那儿有座红色的大桥,和一座屋顶 尖尖的建筑。”

“You should see the streets,” I said.“你应该看看那些街道。”我说。

“What about them?” He was looking at me now. On the TV screen, the two mullahs were consulting each other.“它们是什么样的?”他现在看着我。电视上,两个毛拉正在交换意见。

“They’re so steep, when you drive up all you see is the hood of your car and the sky,” I said.“它们很陡,当你开车上坡的时候,你只能见到前面的车顶和天空。”

“It sounds scary,” he said. He rolled to his side, facing me, his back to the TV.“听起来真吓人。”他说。他翻过身,脸朝着我,背对着电视。

“It is the first few times,” I said. “But you get used to it.”“刚开始有点吓人,”我说, “不过你会习惯的。”

“Does it snow there?”“那儿下雪吗?”

“No, but we get a lot of fog. You know that red bridge you saw?”“不,不过有很多雾。你知道那座你看过的红色大桥吧?”


“Sometimes the fog is so thick in the morning, all you see is the tip of the two towers poking through.”There was wonder in his smile. “Oh.”“有时候,早晨的雾很浓,你只能看到两座尖耸的塔顶。”他惊奇地微笑着:“哦。”



“Have you given any thought to what I asked you before?”“你有考虑过我之前问你的问题吗?”

His smiled faded. He rolled to his back. Laced his hands under his head. The mullahs decided that Ayub’s son would go to hell after all for wearing his pants the way he did. They claimed it was in the Haddith. “I’ve thought about it,” Sohrab said.他的笑容不见了,翻身仰面躺着,十指交叉,放在脑后。毛拉确定了,艾优博的儿子那样穿着裤子是会下地狱的。他们说《圣训》里面有提及。“我想过了。”索拉博说。





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