

Having written an order of admittance, and handed it to Nekhludoff, the Procureur looked curiously at him.


"I must also state that I can no longer take part in the sessions."


"Then you will have to lay valid reasons before the Court, as you, of course, know."


"My reasons are that I consider all judging not only useless, but immoral."


"Yes," said the Procureur, with the same scarcely perceptible smile, as if to show that this kind of declaration was well known to him and belonged to the amusing sort. "Yes, but you will certainly understand that I as Procureur, can not agree with you on this point. Therefore, I should advise you to apply to the Court, which will consider your declaration, and find it valid or not valid, and in the latter case will impose a fine. Apply, then, to the Court."


"I have made my declaration, and shall apply nowhere else," Nekhludoff said, angrily.


"Well, then, good-afternoon," said the Procureur, bowing his head, evidently anxious to be rid of this strange visitor.




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