2021考研,英语阅读怎么训练自己才能得到?从考研英语文章阅读开始吧,KK给大家的每日一句里提到了不少名著句段,咱们今天就开始从杀死一只知更鸟 开始读起吧,每天阅读一小段,保持语感,熟悉英文的说话方式,对大家在进行2021考试的时候非常有帮助,更多相关信息,可关注咱们文都考研综合备考频道哦。

经典名句-英文:Maybe if we didn’t give them so much to talk about they’d be quiet.



I waited, on tenterhooks, for Uncle Jack to tell Atticus my side of it. But he didn’t. Hesimply murmured, “Her use of bathroom invective leaves nothing to the imagination. Butshe doesn’t know the meaning of half she says—she asked me what a whore-ladywas…”

我提心吊胆地等着杰克叔叔把我对他说的话告诉阿迪克斯,但是他并没有这么做。他只是喃喃地说:“她说起脏话来真是让人大开眼界, 不过,她连其中-半的意思都不明白一-她还问我什么是‘婊子’来着...”.

“Did you tell her?”

“No, I told her about Lord Melbourne.”



“Jack! When a child asks you something, answer him, for goodness’ sake. But don’tmake a production of it. Children are children, but they can spot an evasion quicker thanadults, and evasion simply muddles ‘em. No,” my father mused, “you had the rightanswer this afternoon, but the wrong reasons. Bad language is a stage all children gothrough, and it dies with time when they learn they’re not attracting attention with it.Hotheadedness isn’t. Scout’s got to learn to keep her head and learn soon, with what’sin store for her these next few months. She’s coming along, though. Jem’s getting olderand she follows his example a good bit now. All she needs is assistance sometimes.”

“杰克!看在老天的分上,当一个孩子问你问题的时候,你要正儿八经地回答,不要东拉西扯,顾左右而言他。虽说孩子毕竟只是孩子,但他们会比成人更敏锐地察觉到你在回避问题,回避只会让他们糊里糊涂。”父亲沉吟着说道,“ 今天下午你的回应是对的,但你的理由有偏差。说脏话是所有孩子都会经历的一一个阶段,随着他们一天天长大,他们会发现满口脏话并不能上他们成为众人瞩目的明星,他们就会改掉这个毛病。但是脾气暴躁可不好改。斯库特必须学会保持冷静,接下来的几个月里她还会经历很多事情,所以她必须尽快学会冷静面对。当然,她也在成长。杰姆长大了,她现在也能跟着学学样子。她只是在某些时候需要有人推一-把。”

“Atticus, you’ve never laid a hand on her.”

“I admit that. So far I’ve been able to get by with threats. Jack, she minds me as wellas she can. Doesn’t come up to scratch half the time, but she tries.”

“That’s not the answer,” said Uncle Jack.

“No, the answer is she knows I know she tries. That’s what makes the difference.What bothers me is that she and Jem will have to absorb some ugly things pretty soon.I’m not worried about Jem keeping his head, but Scout’d just as soon jump on someoneas look at him if her pride’s at stake…”




“没错。真正的答案是,她心里明白,我知道她在努力。这是至关重要的。我现在烦恼的是,她和杰姆马上就会面对一-些丑恶的事情。我不担心杰姆能不能保持冷静,可是斯库特,- -旦她的自尊心受挫,她会一看到人家就扑上去打架.....

I waited for Uncle Jack to break his promise. He still didn’t.






